Terms of service

Regarding the use of the private sauna "Sauna Lounge Rentola" (hereinafter referred to as "this facility") operated by Tokyo Dome Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company"), the following terms and conditions (hereinafter referred to as "these Terms") apply. Please be sure to read the following and agree to the terms and conditions.

Article 1 Membership registration

(1) Advance membership registration is required to make online reservations for this facility. The customer can register as a member in the preceding paragraph by agreeing to these Terms and providing the Company with the information prescribed by the Company (hereinafter referred to as "registration information") in the manner prescribed by the Company. can.
(2) In addition to separately stipulated in these Terms, the Company may cancel the membership registration if the customer falls under any of the following items.
① If you violate this agreement or have violated this agreement in the past
② If it is discovered that there are falsehoods (including cases of impersonation of a third party) or errors in the registered information.
③ If the Company determines that the person falls under the anti-social forces stipulated in Article 15 (Exclusion of Anti-Social Forces), Paragraph 1, Item 1.
④If the Company determines that the person is a person who has violated a contract with the Company in the past or a related party thereof.
⑤ If you have been subject to registration cancellation measures based on this section
⑥ If it becomes clear that payment approval cannot be obtained from the credit card company, or if fraudulent use of the credit card is discovered, or if fraudulent use is suspected.
⑦ If we are unable to contact the customer even after notifying the registered items, etc.
⑧In addition, if the Company determines that it is inappropriate to continue membership registration.
(3)Customers may cancel their membership registration by following the cancellation procedures prescribed by the Company.
(4) Notices, etc. from our company to customers will be addressed to registered items, and will be deemed to have arrived at the time when they should have normally arrived. If there are any changes to the registered information, please promptly notify us using the method prescribed by our company. Our company will not be responsible for any damage caused to the customer as a result of failure to make such notification.
(5) The handling of customer information by our company shall be in accordance with the provisions of "Handling of Personal Information" (https://www.tokyo-dome.jp/privacy/).

Article 2 Establishment of individual usage contract

(1) When a customer makes a reservation to use this facility, a contract for the use of this facility (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") is established between the Company and the customer, and the customer is entitled to the room type that he or she has reserved. You will be obligated to pay the corresponding usage fee.
(2) The reservation in the preceding paragraph shall be made when you press the purchase confirmation button on this reservation site.
(3) In addition to separately stipulated in these Terms, if the Customer falls under any of the following items, the Company may cancel the Customer's reservation and terminate this Agreement.
① Cases that fall under Paragraph 2 ① to ⑧ of the preceding article
② If a large number of reservations have been made, or if the Company determines that there is a risk of harm to health if the facility is used as booked.
③In addition, if the Company determines that the use of this facility is inappropriate.

Article 3 Cancellation by Customer

(1) The customer may cancel this contract by canceling the reservation using the method prescribed by the company. If this Agreement is canceled, the Customer will not be required to pay the usage fees set forth in the preceding article.
(2) If the customer cancels after noon the day before the reservation date, a cancellation fee equal to the usage fee will be charged.

Article 4 Usage hours

(1)Customers are responsible for the private room space (a sauna room is installed within the private room space, and when simply referred to as "private room space" in these terms and conditions, the sauna room is included) for the time of the reservation. Available. Please note that the usage time cannot be extended.
(2) Please arrive 10 minutes before your reservation time as it may take some time to complete the check-in procedure. Even if you arrive just before your reservation time or are unable to use the private room space for the reservation time due to your own circumstances, we will not be able to extend your usage time or refund your usage fee.
(3)Customers may use the exclusive lounge for facility users for up to 2 hours after using the private room space. If lounge use exceeds 2 hours, an additional fee will be charged for each 30 minutes. Additionally, the lounge may not be available during certain times.

Article 5 Confirmation of health condition and consent at the time of use

(1) If you fall under any of the health conditions listed below, you may not use this facility.

[Health conditions that may prevent you from using the service]

Customers whose doctor has prohibited them from bathing
Customers who are not in good physical condition
Contraindications: Acute illness (especially if you have a fever), active tuberculosis, malignant tumor, severe heart disease, respiratory failure, medullary or renal failure, bleeding disorder, skin disease, or any other disease in progress. customers, customers with severe anemia, customers who may be infected with an infectious disease, customers who are pregnant (especially in the early and late stages) or who may be pregnant, customers with hypertension, or diarrhea symptoms. , customers who have just had surgery or who are extremely fatigued, customers who have an injury that causes bleeding, and customers who are on their menstrual period that causes bleeding.
Customers who are intoxicated or intoxicated
Other customers who have difficulty using sauna facilities
(2) If the Company determines that the customer falls under any of the health conditions listed in the preceding paragraph, the Company may refuse the customer's use of the facility. In this case, we will not refund the usage fee to the customer.
(3) By using this facility, you are deemed to have declared that you do not fall under any of the health conditions set forth in paragraph 1. Furthermore, the use of this facility is at the customer's own discretion, and we are not responsible for any changes in physical condition.

Article 6 Suspension of use

If you feel unwell while using the facility, or if you wish to leave earlier than scheduled, please notify the staff. Please note that in this case, the usage fee will not be refunded.

Article 7 Age limit

This facility is available for use by persons over 18 years of age.
By registering as a member using the method prescribed by our company and making a reservation to use this facility, you are representing that you are 18 years of age or older.

Article 8 Prohibitions regarding use

(1) The following acts are prohibited when using this facility.
① Bringing flammable materials (newspapers, magazines, cigarettes, etc.) and information devices (PCs, mobile phones, tablets, etc.) into the sauna room
② Do not bring precious metals such as glasses, earrings, necklaces, rings, etc. into the sauna room (as they may cause deformation or burns)
③Men and women entering the private room space
④ Use of the private room for purposes other than sauna use, such as defecating, hair dyeing, scrubbing, washing, etc.
⑤Throwing things into the sauna stove, pouring anything other than water on it, and pouring excessive water onto it (to avoid electrical leakage or fire)
⑥Smoking in this facility, eating and drinking in private rooms, and bringing in alcoholic beverages (However, this does not apply to hydration with soft drinks.)
⑦Photography of staff or other customers within our facility
⑧ Use of photography at this facility for sales, publicity, advertising, solicitation, and other commercial purposes (excluding those approved by our company).
⑨ Taking equipment such as towels out of the facility
⑩Using spaces other than private rooms at this facility (including reception areas, aisles, toilets, eating and drinking areas, etc.) while fully or partially naked.
⑪ Bringing dangerous objects (glass products, metal/cutlery, explosives) and animals such as pets into our facility
⑫Using this facility while applying oil etc. to your body
⑬In addition to the provisions of the preceding items, acts that violate laws and public order and morals, acts that violate these Terms of Use, acts that interfere with our business, acts that cause damage to our facilities, equipment, or equipment, acts that are unpleasant or unpleasant to other customers. Acts that cause trouble or other acts that our company deems inappropriate.
(2) If the customer violates the preceding paragraph or there is a risk of violation, the Company will report or contact the relevant authorities such as the police as necessary, as well as suspend use of the sauna or leave the facility. Other measures may be taken. Please note that even if such measures are taken, refunds of usage fees or other monetary payments will not be accepted.

Article 9 Points to note when using the sauna

① When taking a cold shower or cold bath after taking a sauna bath, please first sprinkle water on your heart, starting from the area furthest away from you, before taking a bath.
②The walls and handrails around the sauna room may be hot, so please be careful not to get burned.
③Please comply with any other instructions or requests from our facility staff.

Article 10 Entry and guidance by staff

If the usage time is exceeded, if it is necessary to check the customer's physical condition or condition, or if it is necessary to ensure the safety of the customer's life or body, staff may unlock and enter the private room space. Yes. In the event of a fire, earthquake, or other emergency, please immediately stop using the facility, evacuate from the facility, and otherwise follow the instructions of the staff.

Article 11 Our Responsibilities

The Company will not be held responsible for any damage caused to the customer in connection with the use of this facility, unless the damage is due to intentional or gross negligence on the part of the Company. Customers are requested to take sufficient precautions against injury, illness, accidents, theft, or loss while using this facility.

Article 12 Suspension of use and cancellation of reservation due to equipment malfunction, etc.

If the Company determines that it is difficult for the customer to use the facility due to equipment or system malfunctions, breakdowns, or other reasons, the Company will suspend use of the facility or cancel the reservation. In this case, the Company shall refund the usage fee according to the method prescribed by the Company, and shall not be responsible for anything other than the refund.

Article 13 Compensation by Customer

You shall ensure that your companions also comply with these Terms, and will be liable for any damage, loss or expense (including attorney's fees) incurred by the Company due to violation of these Terms, intentional or negligent acts by you or your companion. (This includes repurchase costs, repair costs, cleaning costs, etc. for damage to or defacement of the facility, equipment, or equipment, loss of keys to private room spaces and equipment, etc.).

Article 14 Permission to use photographs, etc.

We may repost or retweet photos posted by customers on SNS related to this facility on our facility's official SNS accounts (Instagram, X, etc.).
When photographing, etc., please comply with these Terms of Use (Article 8, Prohibited Use Section 8) and be considerate of those around you from the perspective of protecting privacy.

Article 15 Elimination of anti-social forces

(1) The customer shall confirm to the Company the following matters.
① The applicant or his/her companion is not a member of an organized crime group, a company affiliated with an organized crime group, a corporate racketeer, or a similar person or member thereof (hereinafter collectively referred to as "antisocial forces").
②The conclusion of this agreement does not encourage the activities of anti-social forces or contribute to their operation.
③ Acts of violence or threats, acts of violent demands, acts of unreasonable demands beyond legal responsibility, spreading rumors, using fraudulent means or force to damage the credibility of our company or a third party, or undermine its business. Do not do anything that interferes with it.
(2) If any fact contrary to the promise set forth in the preceding paragraph is discovered, the Company may terminate this agreement without any notice by notifying the customer, and if the customer is currently using the facility, the Company shall promptly cancel the contract. You will be asked to leave.
(3) If this Agreement is canceled pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the Customer shall pay the amount equivalent to the usage fee to the Company as a penalty, and shall not make any claims for damages arising from the cancellation. .
(4) If the Company determines that there is a fact or a possibility of a violation of the promise set forth in Paragraph 1, the Company will report or contact relevant organizations such as the police as necessary.

Article 16 Changes and termination of this facility, etc.

(1) Our company may change the contents of this facility or this reservation site or terminate it at our convenience.
(2) If the Company terminates this facility or this reservation site, the Company shall notify customers who have registered as members under Article 1 in advance.

Article 17 Changes to these Terms, etc.

Our company may change these Terms if we deem it necessary. If these Terms of Use are changed, the enforcement date and content of the revised Terms of Use will be made known by posting on this reservation site or other appropriate means, or customers who have registered as members will be notified. However, in the case of changes that require the customer's consent under laws and regulations, we will obtain consent using the method prescribed by our company.

Article 18 Transfer of contractual status, etc.

The Customer may not assign, transfer, set collateral, or otherwise dispose of the contractual status or rights or obligations based on these Terms to a third party without the prior written consent of the Company.

Article 19 Severability

Even if any provision or part of these Terms is determined to be invalid or unenforceable under laws and regulations, the remaining provisions or parts of these Terms are determined to be invalid or unenforceable. The remaining portions shall continue in full force and effect.

Article 20 Governing law/jurisdiction

The governing law of these Terms of Use shall be Japanese law, and the Tokyo District Court shall have the exclusive jurisdiction of the first instance for any disputes arising from or related to these Terms of Use.

Establishment date: March 2023


Sauna Lounge Rentola
Official SNS

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