[No.1 popular accessory] Introducing the glasses case★

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Also stylish! Also compact! 😊

Introducing the glasses case, the most popular accessory at the LaQua store!

We carry a wide variety of other types, but this time we will be introducing two types: hard cases and folding cases!

Hard cases are popular because they don't break your glasses even when you put them in your bag, but the disadvantage is that they're large and take up a lot of space...😢!
The width of the case is made smaller, so it is compact and not bulky, which is a popular feature!

The folding case allows you to fold it into a small size when using glasses.
Recommended for people who spend a lot of time wearing glasses even if they carry them around!

Both cases are available in 4 colors, so
It's nice to be able to change your glasses depending on your mood.

Lastly, we also offer free cleaning, adjustment, and visual acuity testing for glasses from other companies, so all of our staff look forward to your visit.

~Compact hard case~ 1000 yen
~Folding case~ 1000 yen

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