Fixing an iPhone that was dropped while on vacation 🛠


🕸 iPhone screen cracked after being dropped🕸

Screen repair in as little as 40 minutes

When you hold your smartphone in your hand,

Have you ever had an experience where you dropped it?

The iPhone screen is covered with very strong glass.

It is unlikely to break easily.

However, on uneven concrete

If you drop it on a gravel surface,

The screen is more likely to be subjected to stress and is more likely to crack than on a flat floor.

Even if you drop it on the floor, it will fall off a corner.

The likelihood of it breaking when dropped on a surface also changes, with more likely to break when dropped on a corner.

Since pressure is applied to one point, this also makes it more likely to break.

If the screen is cracked, it will still be touch-enabled.

Many people continue to use it as is,

If you continue to use it, it may suddenly stop working.

Because it may cause malfunction,

If your screen is cracked, we recommend that you have it repaired as soon as possible.

We offer screen repairs in as little as 40 minutes.

If we have the part in stock, the repair will be completed on the same day.

We are also happy to provide consultations regarding the symptoms of cracked screens.

If you have any concerns,

Please feel free to come to our store ✨

Go to store details page

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