[Limited Time Offer] Superb Sleep♪ Full Body Relaxation Course

Duration: 8/23 (Fri) - 10/20(Day)

[Limited Time Offer] Superb Sleep♪ Full Body Relaxation Course

With the hot and humid weather continuing, are you feeling sluggish and easily fatigued?

Ra.Ku.Sa has a campaign course that is perfect for this time of year📣

●Superb sleep♪ Full body relaxation course

This set course combines a traditional Thai body massage that acts on the autonomic nervous system to regulate its function, with a super sleep-inducing head spa using a limited-edition carbonated bubble spray!

・70-minute course 10,000 yen (180 yen discount!)

This is a set course that includes 60 minutes of Thai traditional body massage and 10 minutes of head spa.

・100-minute course: 14,400 yen (735 yen discount!) ✨Our top recommendation✨

This is a set course that includes 70 minutes of Thai traditional body massage and 30 minutes of head spa.

・130 minute course 16,800 yen (865 yen discount!)

This is a set course that includes 100 minutes of Thai traditional body massage and 30 minutes of head spa.

*All course prices include the fee for using the healing bath.

Not only does the Thai traditional stretching, which is said to be the "most comfortable in the world," slowly loosen and stretch the whole body,

This is a great value course that provides care for the head area with a head spa treatment that uses a relaxed rhythm to induce sleep.

☆Especially recommended for those who work at a desk and those who suffer from eye strain and neck and shoulder fatigue☆

Please take this opportunity to try it out!

We look forward to your visit.

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